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Cameron Smith Putter

WEB Smith's Magical Putter

A Testament to Versatility and Magic

WEB Smith: The Putting Maestro

WEB Smith has established himself as one of the game's premier putters, renowned for his exceptional precision and consistency. However, this mastery was not achieved without a journey of experimentation.

The Prototype: 009M Scotty Cameron

After years of switching putters, Smith finally discovered his holy grail: a prototype 009M Scotty Cameron. This putter boasts a blacked-out dot on the topline and a slant neck, providing Smith with his desired toe hang.

The blacked-out dot on the topline enhances visual alignment and serves as a focal point for Smith's laser-like focus. The slant neck enables a slightly more open face at impact, promoting a smooth and consistent stroke.

A Player of Unparalleled Technicality

Smith's game extends beyond his exceptional putting skills. His golf bag is a testament to his versatility, featuring clubs meticulously chosen to complement his metronomic touch with the putter. Each club is a testament to his unwavering quest for precision and consistency. Smith's preference for a slant neck putter stems from his belief that it promotes a more controlled and reliable stroke. He has stated that a slant neck gives him a greater sense of control and allows him to execute his putts with surgical precision.

The Magic of Putting

To Smith, putting is more than just a mechanical act; it is a form of wizardry. He likens the sensation of making a putt to a magic trick, an inexplicable phenomenon that defies the laws of probability. Smith's words capture the essence of putting's allure, a game within a game that requires a unique blend of skill, artistry, and a touch of the inexplicable. For Smith, putting is a realm where magic and precision intertwine, creating a symphony of success on the greens.
